


From online festivals to bedroom production skills, it’s important to keep working on your career as a musician. Don’t let the Christmas holiday’s demotivate you from being a musician and definitely don’t take your foot off the pedal!

1. Gigs

Why not take this time to research new live gig opportunities?  Send out your EPK to promoters and live music venues.  You can find contact details on The Unsigned Guide.  

Don’t expect a reply straight away, and don’t be disheartened if they’re not looking for new acts at the minute.  Keep persisting and follow up on all possible opportunities.


2. Focus on Branding

Now’s the time to really work on your marketing skills.  What makes you stand out as an artist?  It’s all about branding and creating a consistent look across all media platforms.

Why not use the time to set up a website?  This doesn’t have to be expensive and having an artist website is far more professional than just using social media sites.

You can share upcoming performances, social media links, photos from the studio or recent gigs and even snippets of unreleased original music to create a close relationship with your audience.

You could also design your artist logo.  Having a logo can help create brand consistency and make you more memorable as an artist.  You can add it on your website or use it as a social media profile photo.


3. Engage With Your Fanbase

More than ever, people’s eyes are on social media.  With online platforms being a major source of communication when stuck at home, it would be a good idea to put a lot of energy into building up a strong following on all socials.

Why not post a daily cover video on Instagram?  Making the song your own is really important.

Consistency is key, so don’t expect results if you only post once every month.  People are more likely to engage with your content if you’re always seen in their feed.  Whether that be a cover video, a picture of you in the studio from a while ago, or even a daily story sharing what you’re up to as an artist stuck at home.

You could also go live on Instagram, why not perform your set that you had planned for a local open mic?  Scheduling a set time to go live and share it with your followers beforehand.  This will maximise the number of viewers likely to engage with your livestream.  Asking for song recommendations from your fans is also a great way to connect with your audience, and can help you out too.

4. Seek Relationships, Not Just Followers

Never ignore your loyal followers who regularly like and comment on your posts!  That’s a surefire way to eventually drive people away.

Instead, let your followers know you value them. Reply to their comments or even go check out their account and like a few of their photos.

5. Improve Your Performance

Now that you have time to spare, it would be a great idea to focus on improving your performance and honing in on any elements that need extra practice.

If you’re a singer with regular singing lessons, you may be worried about how to carry on strengthening your voice whilst lessons are on hold.  You can look online for singing teachers offering virtual lessons.

It’s good to support your local and independent teachers, community Facebook pages are a great place to reach out and ask for recommendations.

6. Make Contacts and Support Other Artists

Focusing on community projects can not only brighten your spirits, but also open up your contact book to loads of musicians following a similar path to you.

Online choirs are being set up to unite voices across the country.  Signing up for this sort of project could introduce you to possible artists for future collaborations.

Offering to do livestream performances for care homes and hospitals with other artists could be a great way to keep sharing your music, whilst having a positive impact on others.

Instagram shout outs are highly appreciated at a time like this. This encourages people to check out similar artists to ones they are already following. Starting a trend like this could be a great way to support one another.

7. Create More Music!

Finally, without your typical day to day distractions, now’s the time to really tune into your creativity.

Original music is the key to success, so why not take this opportunity to write as many new songs as you can.  Put some lyrics to that catchy melody, write a verse to go with that chorus.

Remember, it’s okay to not fall in love with your first original song, sometimes you have to write a hundred songs before the perfect one comes to you.  It’s all about trial and error, so don’t be too hung up on a leading line if it doesn’t fit with the rest of your song.

Once you have a selection of original songs under your belt, book your next recording studio session.


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