


For many artists, social media has become more difficult to navigate, so we’ve put together 8 simple steps you can follow to start seeing immediate online growth

1. Be More Active

If you want to keep followers engaged, you need to post new content on a regular basis. That doesn’t mean you need to post 10 photos a day. In fact, posting once a day, or at least once every other day, should be frequent enough to keep your current followers interested. If you go long periods of time without posting, don’t be surprised if you lose a few of them.

2. Quality Over Quantity

Social media is all about providing value to your followers, especially if you want more engagement. When you post on social media, your goal should be to publish photos and videos that evoke some kind of emotion, such as happiness, humor, motivation, nostalgia, love, or something else. High-quality photos with a lot of colors tend to get the most action.

3. Invest in a Social Photoshoot

We get busy, with not much time to create the best quality content that we are aiming for. It takes time, effort and creative thinking. So why not plan all of this ahead?

Bulking up content is probably the best way for you to deliver constant high quality content across all of social media platforms. Plan a photoshoot in advance and have your content ready to go! 

Whether you’re at home, in the pub or on holiday in the alps, you will always have your content covered and ready to post without having to sacrifice time or quality.


4. Seek Relationships, Not Just Followers

Never ignore your loyal followers who regularly like and comment on your posts! That’s a surefire way to eventually drive people away. Instead, let your followers know you value them. Reply to their comments or even go check out their account and like a few of their photos.

5. Make Your Presence Known

From homepage feeds to icons on your site footer or email signature, anyone who comes in contact with your brand should only be a click away from becoming a long-term follower. Cross-promote your account on different channels. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube feeds can all be easily integrated into your site with little more than copy-paste code.

6. Piggyback on What’s Trending

Between breaking news, trending hashtags or whatever the latest meme might be, brands always have room to get topical with their content. This is a great opportunity not only to build off of buzz of an existing trend, but also show off your brand’s personality.

7. Invest in your Hashtag Strategy

Using hashtags on social media is a great way to increase your reach on the platform, encourage more engagement, and even attract new followers. Unfortunately, some people take it way too far. Their captions are often bloated with hashtags, many not even relevant to the post’s topic. If you decide to use hashtags, make sure to only use keywords that are specific.  Picking relevant hashtags will attract the right followers.

8. Check your Analytics Regularly

analytics tools provide insights into your account performance, including reach, engagement, followers, and ads. They help you to identify trends, both positive and negative.  Knowing your audience and their behaviours is key to the success of any online platform.



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